
Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato
Università pubblica a Cassino

Viale dell'Università, Cassino

Informazioni su Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato Cassino

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Viale dell'Università
03043 Cassino FR
Orari e servizi potrebbero variare

Orari di apertura

Ora chiuso
09:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:00

Servizi e Caratteristiche


Domande Frequenti su Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato

  • Dove si trova ?
    Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato si trova in Viale dell'Università, 03043 Cassino FR
  • Come si raggiunge ?
    Puoi raggiungere Viale dell'Università Cassino utilizzando la mappa e le indicazioni stradali fornite da NuovaOpinione. La latitudine e longitudine del puntatore su mappa sono: 41.471875000, 13.828328000
  • Quali sono gli orari di apertura ?
    • Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato apre di Lunedì, Mercoledì, Venerdì alle ore 09:00
    • Apre di Martedì, Giovedì alle ore 15:00
    • Chiuso di Sabato, Domenica

    Per ulteriori dettagli guarda tutti gli orari di apertura.
  • Qual è il numero di telefono ?
    Puoi contattare Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato chiamando il numero di telefono 07762991.
  • Che opinione hanno i clienti ?
    Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato ha ricevuto 146 recensioni con una valutazione media di 4,1 su 5 stelle. Per saperne di più leggi le recensioni.
Media di valutazione Basato su 146 recensioni

Recensioni di Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale - Rettorato

L'opinione dei clienti su questa attività.

Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia davvero eccellente con docenti molto preparati.

Ci sono dei turchi, signore e signori, la mia nuova scuola, si spera?


Great University 👍 One of my favorite University …

World class education faculty with a variety of courses for International students.

Stuff had very friendly smile face


Is there any courses related to sports Please guide me

Excellent experience

Grande università

Professor Silvestri estremamente umano, rapporto 1:1 docente studente, consigliati

Comodo da raggiungere e docenti preparati

I have started my ms in cassino soon I will update. The casino is located in the valley of Monte Cairo, near the confluence of the Gary and Liri rivers. During World War II, the city became known as the Abbey of Monte Casino and the Battle of Monte Casino, which caused major Allied-German devastation and the destruction of the city itself. It is also the headquarters of the Casino University. Cassino's roots lie in the settlement of Casinum, the last city of the Latins, of Oscan origin, sited atop the hill of Cassino near Monte Cairo, five kilometres to the north. Casinum passed under the control of the Volscians first and then the Samnites,but the Romans eventually gained control of Casinum and its territory (ager casinas), establishing a fortified Latin colony there in 312 BC, Interamna Lirenas. During the Roman era the most venerated god was Apollo, whose temple rose up on Monte Cassino, where today stands the abbey. At least once during Punic Wars, Hannibal passed near Casinum. Casinum was also the site of a villa presumed to belong to Marcus Terentius Varro. The ancient Casinum was deeply damaged by several barbarian raids. In the book Dialogues, Pope Gregory I gives us the testimony of the Benedict of Nursia settlement among the ruins of Casinum Acropolis. He destroyed the image of Apollo and pagan altars, and sanctified the place in name of St. John Baptist. From that moment on, he would never leave Monte Cassino: he founded the monastery that became a model for the Western monasticism and one of the major cultural centers of Europe throughout the Middle Agesand and wrote the "Rule", containing precepts for his monks. In the meanwhile the population built a village called Castellum Sancti Petri. Because of their strategic position, the abbey and the village were involved in military events. In 577 a raid of the Lombards, led by Zotto, forced the monks to leave Monte Cassino to seek refuge in Rome. They came back only after more than a century. In 744, thanks to the donation of Gisulf II of Benevento, the monastery became the capital of a new state, called Terra Sancti Benedicti ("Land of Saint Benedict"). Few years later the town was re-founded by Abbot Bertharius and called Eulogimenopolis, meaning "city of Saint Benedict" in Greek. In 883 the monastery and the town were again attacked, this time by Saracens, and Bertharius was killed along with some other monks. The abbey was again rebuilt in 949 by the decision of Pope Agapetus II and, together with the town, renamed San Germano (after Saint Germanus of Capua), began to experience a prosperous period. For defensive purposes, the castle Rocca Janula, which still dominates the town today, was also built. In the abbey are conserved the Placiti Cassinesi, dated 960–963, considered the first documents ever written in the Italian language. The abbey of San Germano had ceased to exist by the time of Abbot Richerius (1038–1055), when it was a parish church under an archpriest.[12] On July 23, 1230, the city was the site of the signing of the peace between Pope Gregory IX and Frederick II, which took place in the church of San Germano. On 9 September 1349, San Germano was destroyed by a large earthquake, which also seriously damaged the abbey. The reconstruction took place in 1366, at Pope Urbano V's will. Modern eraEdit During the Renaissance era Cassino lay on the northern frontier of the Kingdom of Naples, which was dominated by Spain. In 1504, during the Second Italian War, the French attempted to capture the town in the Battle of Cassino, but failed. On May 15–17, 1815, the town was the set of the final cruel battle of the Neapolitan War between an Austrian force commanded by Laval Nugent von Westmeath and the King of Naples, Joachim Murat. The so-called "Battle of San Germano" ended with the Austrian victory. On July 28, 1863 the name of the town was officially reverted to "Cassino". In the same year the town was reached by the rail system. Cassino was part of the Province Terra di Lavoro (meaning "Land of Work") until 1927, when the Province of Frosino

Nice..! You need to learn italian

Università di riferimento per il Lazio meridionale e l'alta Campania

a very good university for all international students... especially for Erasmus students

I've started my journey here I'm soon edit my review regarding the pros and cons of this uni !!

This is the best university, I'm doing my bachelor's in business and economics, very relaxing, well designed , we can get everything we need, university is covering in all fields like education, sports, cafe, mess, canteen, gym, gymnastics and many more. This is having a very species class and place. I got a very good friend circle, from many wings department's, from different countries, different places, different styles, tradition's, culture's,food. I'm very happy to be a part of this university . Università degli studi di cassino e del lazio meridionale 😊 . You can message me on Instagram {bhoby_nikhil_reddy_usha}

Rispetto ad altri poli più grandi qui è ovviamente più semplice comunicare con i docenti

Facoltà di economia. La struttura necessita di qualche ristrutturazione al suo interno

Realizzata una pessima costruzione

Because I'm gona study there

Very impresive place to be