
Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda
Agenzia di visite turistiche a Siena

Via dei Montanini, 40, Siena

Informazioni su Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda Siena

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Informazioni attività

Via dei Montanini, 40
53100 Siena SI
Orari e servizi potrebbero variare

Orari di apertura

Ora aperto
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 19:00

Servizi e Caratteristiche


Domande Frequenti su Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda

  • Dove si trova ?
    Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda si trova in Via dei Montanini, 40, 53100 Siena SI
  • Come si raggiunge ?
    Puoi raggiungere Via dei Montanini, 40 Siena utilizzando la mappa e le indicazioni stradali fornite da NuovaOpinione. La latitudine e longitudine del puntatore su mappa sono: 43.321703000, 11.329931300
  • Quali sono gli orari di apertura ?
    • Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda apre di Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica alle ore 09:00

    Per ulteriori dettagli guarda tutti gli orari di apertura.
  • Qual è il numero di telefono ?
    Puoi contattare Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda chiamando il numero di telefono 3474565150.
  • Che opinione hanno i clienti ?
    Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda ha ricevuto 12 recensioni con una valutazione media di 5 su 5 stelle. Per saperne di più leggi le recensioni.
Media di valutazione Basato su 12 recensioni

Recensioni di Guida Turistica Siena e Provincia Antonella Piredda

L'opinione dei clienti su questa attività.

It is truly hard to put into words how incredible Antonella is. She is knowledgeable, personable, responsive, and passionate to name a few. My wife and I were lucky enough to have Antonella join us for two separate tours in October of 2023. We toured the wonderful city of Siena on one occasion and went truffle hunting, olive oil tasting, and enjoyed the charming village of Montisi on the second. We also had Antonella help us plan our travel to the entire region. She elevated each part of our trip beyond our expectations. Her recommendations were always spot on and exactly what we were looking for. Nearly 5 months later already and we still talk about Antonella being the highlight of our vacation. Do not book a trip to the region without having plans to tour with Antonella.

Antonella is amazing! She is very knowledgable and has a way of sharing information in a way that is interesting and entertaining. We have used her three times for different tours with family and friends. I highly recommend her. You can't go wrong!

We were thrilled with our time with Antonella in Siena. As a family of four, including our two adult daughters, we found Antonella to be simply exceptional - wonderfully engaging, accommodating, and superbly informative. She adapted easily to our interests and backgrounds, and shared with us many intriguing and fun anecdotes that gave us insights into life in Siena from a locals perspective. On somewhat short notice, she arranged a delightful drive for us through the Tuscany region along with a tour, wine tasting, and lunch at a picturesque Tuscan winery. We also reached out to Antonella for advice in planning other parts of our itinerary to Italy and she was always quick to respond with great suggestions. Antonella has our highest recommendation.

Discovering Tuscany with Antonella is a great pleasure. Do it! Tuscan history, culture, landscape, hidden places, cuisine, specials, encounters - a tour day with Antonella is perfectly planned for you, best interesting, educating and entertaining. She's a storyteller with huge knowledge and fine humor. Our group in 2023 loved her, we are so looking forward to our Antonella tours in 2024.

Every time we go to Tuscany, we book a tour with Antonella in Siena. She is the ONLY Guide we have ever booked again and again. I believe we have gone on 6 tours with Antonella, and every tour was exciting. She is extremely passionate, knowledgeable, with a great sense of humor. Her stories are unforgettable and she certainly has a lot to tell. Her tours are NEVER boring especially if you listen for those quirky comments. We will continue to tour with Antonella until she tires of our presence. We hire tour guides all over Europe and she is by far the BEST EVER!

Four of us had a half day tour with Antonella in October, 2022. Siena is a fascinating city with history that comes alive today. Antonella's English is extremely good and she has a great sense of humor. Her explanation in the Siena Cathedral was excellent since we were fortunate to be there when the etchings on the floor were exposed. We would highly recommend her!

My husband and I did a half day walking tour of Siena and a one day tour of the Montalcino area with Antonella and enjoyed both tours immensely. We really enjoyed listening to Antonella share her knowledge of Siena’s history, food, and cultural quirks. During our day tour of Montalcino, we visited the Le Potazzine vineyard, had lunch in the town of Montalcino and stopped by a boutique olive oil mill. It was clear to us Antonella has cultivated close relationships with the people of the region that it felt like we were meeting her good friends, and at every stop we always felt so welcome and taken care of. Overall, she was thoughtful in her food recommendations, which were all outstanding! If you are a foodie and want to experience true Tuscan cuisine, trust in Antonella! She went out of her way to help us secure reservations at restaurants that we couldn’t book online and helped us to track down some bottles of wine that we were unable to find in all the wine shops we visited. She was also happy to provide lots of great suggestions for how we could spend the rest of our time exploring the less touristy parts of Tuscany when we were not on tours with her. These thoughtfully curated experiences were the highlights of our trip we look forward to seeing Antonella again!

We reached out to Antonella on short notice for a private tour and luckily she had an opening for a half day for us while we were in Siena. We had already walked much of the city so when we met we were able to tell her what we had seen and what we were interested in learning about. Antonella was fantastic and so personable! She took us all over Siena and we made impromptu adjustments along the way based on her knowledge of the city and what we happened upon during our walk. She was able to give us a perspective on Italian life that we didn't get anywhere else during our 3 weeks in Italy. Her tour was the best we had in all of Italy. Antonella's English is perfect which we appreciated since one of us has partial hearing loss which makes any tour more difficult. We can't recommend Antonella enough if you want a great in depth perspective on Siena!

Antonella è stata una guida speciale, una di noi che con grande dedizione al lavoro, con entusiasmo co ha fatto trascorrere una bellissima mattinata a Siena sul percorso di Santa Caterina

Risposta dal proprietario

Cara Manuela, grazie a te e a tutto il tuo meraviglioso gruppo!

Abbiamo prenotato un tour di Siena, in compagnia di alcuni amici. Antonella ci ha accolti calorosamente e accompagnati subito a vedere i punti più rilevanti della città. Oltre al duomo e al battistero, anche l'annesso Museo dell'opera del Duomo con un'interessantissima collezione di opere d'arte di vari secoli. Poi il giro è proseguito nei luoghi più interessanti della città sempre accompagnati da spiegazioni precise, molto accurate ma senza sfoggio di erudizione o inutili lungaggini . E' una persona coinvolgente nel fornire tutte le spiegazioni sia di arte che di curiosità legate alla vita dei senesi (le dritte soprattutto sul cosa mangiare /bere e come deliziarci il palato sono state tra le più preziose!!!) . se dovessimo tornare in zona ci rivolgeremmo senz'altro a lei per un nuovo tour

Risposta dal proprietario

Cara Giorgia, grazie molte per la bellissima recensione e speriamo di rivederci presto! Un caro saluto a tutti

Appassionata di cultura ed arte Antonella Piredda ci ha guidato per un tour all'ultimo respiro snodato tra l'incantevole Siena ed i racconti medioevali di San Gimignano e Monteriggioni. La sua professionalità e conoscenza dei territori toscani è mastodontica ma è la sua brillante personalità quella che ci ha fatto vivere momenti indimenticabili. Mai ripetitiva e noiosa sempre con la battuta pronta e felice di accogliere le più disparate domande in ogni momento della giornata. Ci ha introdotto nei migliori ristoranti di cucina tradizionale e fatto visitare cantine del territorio. Un'esperienza senza precedenti che consiglio di provare senza nessun dubbio. Grazie ancora Antonella ed a presto

Risposta dal proprietario

Grazie Benedetta per la recensione e speriamo di poterci rivedere molto presto! Alla prossima. Antonella

Grazie ad Antonella abbiamo scoperto Siena e suoi segreti, è estremamente appassionata e preparata, ci ha coinvolti nelle spiegazioni e non vediamo l’ora di poter tornare in Toscana al più presto e farci accompagnare di nuovo da lei per le bellezze senesi. Assolutamente da provare!!!

Risposta dal proprietario

Grazie per la bellissima recensione!